We are all the Same

We are all the same. We may come from different backgrounds, raised in a variety of environments, and taught constrastive values. Truth is: We all want the same thing… We all crave Happiness. Some travel to the ends of the Earth to try and discover it, some merge onto the wrong paths searching for it, and others sit and wait for it to find them, while an exceptional few have been dealt a great hand of cards in Life and already have it. When it is lost; we feel weak, desperate, and hopeless. When it is found; we feel strong, in charge, and on top of the world. If only happiness decided to be a long-term roommate of our lives, only then would we all be much kinder to one another. It is interesting how an emotion can have such a power over us and those around us. When Happiness is alive in us we give to others willingly, we thrive on the feeling as if it’s fuel to our soul and we need to re-fill by giving in order to shine our brightest. When happiness recedes we feel the need to receive more than give, we then feed on a dark feeling and we begin to drain our own being so much that we cling onto another only to do the same to them. By taking we feel as if the void is being filled in that moment, but you cannot fill a black hole of nothingness. We are all the same. If we woke up every single morning knowing that everyone just wants to feel that rush of being happy, would we do something about it? Would we go out of our way to do that for a complete stranger? Or are we so consumed with selfishness in finding that treasure for ourselves that we look the other way when we see another’s unhappiness? Emotional pain is one of the most difficult feelings we have within us, it changes us. It can shatter the thought of ever being happy again. We’ve all felt it, it comes in so many forms and effects us all so differently. Our emotions can overpower us or empower us, it’s up to us what we choose to do with the emotion once it has been implanted. The biggest mistake we all make is dwell on things that are no longer tangible, this creates unhappiness. In order to find happiness you MUST let go of the binding that is keeping you in the past. Most of my experiences with unhappiness are linked to regrets, holding onto the comfort of the past, and the pain others have caused me. We must let go in order to move forward or we will always be stuck in the same spot dwelling on what could’ve been. You cannot find happiness in this place you’ve been for so long, it’s time to leave. Drop the chains that your grasping on to so tightly and walk away. Learn to Forgive, if someone has broken what is left of you- it’s time to let what is still there heal the wounds. We are all the same. If there is one thing in common with us and the rest of the world, it is Emotion. So many have felt the worst of them, the best of them, and the ones in-between. Soon the climax of that emotion will fade, good emotions and bad. This is why we need to find consistency and persistence within ourselves to never give up looking for Happiness. It is hidden everywhere, for we are all the same and we will find it if we look long enough. Here’s to waking up tomorrow with a reason to become a better us, to find what we are all searching for, and to succeed in capturing the essence of Happiness. Let us begin our search now.

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